Thursday, May 15


Name: Rtve A La Carta
File size: 12 MB
Date added: November 24, 2013
Price: Free
Operating system: Windows XP/Vista/7/8
Total downloads: 1244
Downloads last week: 66
Product ranking: ★★★☆☆

She doesn't want him to go to Boston. How many rooms are there in that house? What's in it? I'd like you to have a blood test. Do you think I'm ugly? I can't get away from work now. Have you ever driven a sports car? Were you out last night? She danced with him. Tom was badly injured in a traffic accident.
Rtve A La Carta: - He runs in the park every day.
- He came home late last night.
- Let's meet again soon.
- He wondered why she did that.
- Do ghosts really exist?
- He really wants to buy a new motorcycle.
- A beer, please.
- He made me a box yesterday.
- Since it's raining, it would be better it you stayed at home.
- How did you convince them?
Dick had a traffic accident. Shall I ask him to call you back? What do you have in the morning? Coffee or tea? That's a great poem. Do you like tennis? Is that ok? I do not need money now. She advised him to stop taking that medicine. She got him into trouble. She intended to become an actress.

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Rtve A La Carta, Inc. 53528 Des Moines Street, Iowa 4009 - USA, CA 50338 Tel: 410-598-4454 - Fax 235-927-4940
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